Privacy Policy

General Privacy Statement

AdvantAge Ontario is committed to protecting the privacy of our members and others who provide personal information to us. Personal information provided to us or which we learn about through our normal process of providing service to members or others will only be used for the purpose we have identified when obtaining the information. If at any time you wish to access, modify or remove your personal information, simply contact us by phone at 905-851-8821 and we will gladly accommodate your request.

Privacy Policy

a.   Introduction

AdvantAge Ontario is committed to protecting and safeguarding the privacy and security of the personal information provided to us by members and others. Our policy complies with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the 10 principles of the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information.

By becoming a member, requesting information, purchasing products or services or registering for events or courses offered by AdvantAge Ontario, an individual is giving AdvantAge Ontario permission to contact him or her by way of the information provided.

During the course of servicing the needs of members and others we may gather personal information. Anyone from whom we collect such information should know that it will be carefully protected and used only as necessary and as authorized. This policy explains why we may need your personal information, how the confidentiality of this information is protected, and how you can find out what information concerning you is recorded.

b.   Personal Information

Personal information is defined as any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact a specific individual including member and non-member information that pertains to the use of AdvantAge Ontario services, credit card information and purchase information, whether provided in writing, orally or by electronic means.

Personal information does not include business contact information and certain publicly available information, such as names, addresses and telephone numbers as published in telephone directories (i.e. information on a business card). Most of the information AdvantAge Ontario collects is not personal information.

Where an individual uses his or her home contact information as business contact information, AdvantAge Ontario considers that the contact information provided is business contact information and is therefore not subject to protection as personal information.

c.   Privacy Practices

AdvantAge Ontario adheres to the following privacy practices:

  • Personal information gathered by AdvantAge Ontario is held in the strictest confidence and carefully protected.
  • AdvantAge Ontario collects data for specifically identified purposes. Safeguards are in place to ensure that the information is not disclosed or shared more widely than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered.
  • AdvantAge Ontario staff are authorized to access personal information based only on their need to deal with the information for the reason(s) for which it was obtained.
  • No more than the minimum amount of personal information will be collected in the course of providing any service.
  • Members and others have the right to opt out of providing certain information recognizing that in doing so, the purpose may then not be fulfilled or AdvantAge Ontario may not be able to provide some services to the member or non-member.
  • Members and others have the right to access their own information. Procedures for accessing information are detailed under Privacy Principles in Section 9.1 below. Measures are taken to ensure the integrity of this information is maintained and to prevent its being lost or destroyed.
  • AdvantAge Ontario staff receive appropriate training in the protection of personal information.
  • AdvantAge Ontario will advise all members of our Privacy Policy
    • at the time they apply for membership.
    • on the website in the form of an online privacy statement.
    • at the time when major activities are undertaken to gather information (e.g. annual membership directory).
  • AdvantAge Ontario will advise non-members accessing our products and services of our Privacy Policy
    • at the time they register, purchase or access a product or service as appropriate
    • on the website in the form of an online privacy statement

d.   AdvantAge Ontario Website

When members access the secure section of our website, a small text file or “cookie” is sent from our web server to your browser and stored on your computer. Cookies allow us to recognize you while you are logged into the AdvantAge Ontario website and expire when you close your browser window.

The AdvantAge Ontario website may also log internet provider (IP) addresses of visitors. This information is used, in aggregate form, to provide statistical measures about site usage. This allows us to continually improve the content and design of our website.

The AdvantAge Ontario website contains links to other websites owned and operated by external parties. AdvantAge Ontario is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such sites.

e.   Privacy Principles

AdvantAge Ontario is committed to the following 10 privacy principles:

1.   Accountability

1.1 – AdvantAge Ontario is responsible for personal information under our control and we have designated a Privacy Officer who is accountable for AdvantAge Ontario’ compliance with the Act. There are other individuals within AdvantAge Ontario who are designated with the responsibility for day-to-day collection and management of personal information.

1.2 – AdvantAge Ontario has policies and procedures in place to implement and comply with this Privacy Policy, including procedures relating to the collection, handling, storage and destruction of personal information. AdvantAge Ontario staff has also been provided with education and training to protect personal information and to deal with complaints on privacy issues.

1.3 – AdvantAge Ontario is responsible for personal information transferred by us to third parties, if any, for processing on our behalf. AdvantAge Ontario uses contractual means to provide an appropriate level of protection for such transferred information. Third parties entering into a business relationship with AdvantAge Ontario are required to adhere to these privacy principles, this privacy policy, the Act and any other applicable law dealing with the protection of personal information.

2.   Identifying Purposes

2.1 – AdvantAge Ontario identifies the purposes for which personal information is being collected at or before the time of such collection.

2.2 – Generally, AdvantAge Ontario collects personal information for the following purposes:

a. To process membership and maintain member and non-member records.
b. To conduct surveys and facilitate data collection.
c. To facilitate commercial transactions.
d. To permit and assist AdvantAge Ontario members to communicate with each other and participate in AdvantAge Ontario.
e. To provide members access to the secure area of AdvantAge Ontario site.
f. To register members and non-members for AdvantAge Ontario events.
g. To develop, market and sell AdvantAge Ontario products and services.
h. To communicate and provide information about AdvantAge Ontario activities, member benefits, programs, services and other opportunities.
i. To collect and verify academic and work experience as part of the eligibility requirements of the Administrator Leadership Program.
j. For any other purposes as benefits members and the Association.

2.3 – In the event that AdvantAge Ontario is required to use, disclose or collect personal information for a purpose that is not listed above and in respect of which the member or non-member has not previously granted his or her consent, the personal information will not be used or disclosed without first identifying the new purpose and obtaining the member or non-member’s consent, unless otherwise exempted from doing so under the Act.

3.   Consent

3.1 – AdvantAge Ontario collects personal information by fair and lawful means and obtains the individual’s consent for the collection, use or disclosure of his or her personal information as required by the Act or by law.

3.2 – The consent may be expressed, implied or given through an authorized representative.

3.3 – A member or non-member may withdraw consent to use his or her personal information at any time, subject to any legal or contractual restrictions upon giving AdvantAge Ontario reasonable notice. AdvantAge Ontario will inform individuals of the implications, if any, of withdrawing consent and how to do so.

4.   Limiting Collection

4.1 – AdvantAge Ontario limits the collection of personal information to that which is reasonably necessary for the identified purpose(s).

5.   Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention

5.1 – AdvantAge Ontario does not use or disclose personal information for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual, or as permitted or required by law.

5.2 – AdvantAge Ontario retains personal information only as long as is necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes or as required by law.

5.3 – From time to time AdvantAge Ontario may disclose personal information to a person or organization involved directly or indirectly in supplying a product or service to AdvantAge Ontario members or non-members, including without limitation, our endorsed program and service partners, those who conduct research for AdvantAge Ontario, data processors, and others responsible for providing products and services requested or required by members. This disclosure is only made to the extent the personal information is required and is used only for purposes such as the efficient supply of AdvantAge Ontario services. Such disclosure requires the receiving person or entity to keep the personal information confidential.

5.4 – AdvantAge Ontario does not disclose credit card account information provided by members or non-members except to the appropriate banking institutions and/or clearing houses in order to obtain debit authorization and payment.

6.   Accuracy

6.1 – AdvantAge Ontario takes reasonable steps to keep personal information accurate, complete and up to date as is necessary for the identified purpose(s). Individuals are entitled to check on the accuracy of their personal information and submit a correction request, if necessary. AdvantAge Ontario will rely exclusively on individuals in determining the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of his or her personal information and will have no further obligation to seek independent verification of any personal information supplied by the individual.

7.   Safeguards

7.1 – AdvantAge Ontario protects personal information from unauthorized access, use and disclosure by establishing and maintaining appropriate security safeguards. All safety and security measures are appropriate to the sensitivity level of the information.

7.2 – AdvantAge Ontario has implemented safeguards to protect against such risks as loss or theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, modification or destruction of personal information. AdvantAge Ontario staff is made aware of the need to maintain the confidentiality of all personal information.

8.   Openness

8.1 – AdvantAge Ontario makes information readily available about our policies and practices related to the management of personal information of member and non-members.

8.2 – AdvantAge Ontario’ Privacy Policy is posted on our website and informs members and non-members about the type of personal information we may collect, what it is used for, and to whom the information may be disclosed.

9.   Individual Access

9.1 – Upon request, AdvantAge Ontario provides members and non-members with access to their personal information. Requests are to be directed to our Privacy Officer:

AdvantAge Ontario
64 Jardin Drive, Unit 3B
Concord, ON L4K 3P3
P. 905-851-8821
F. 905-851-0744

9.2 – Upon request, AdvantAge Ontario will inform members and non-members whether their personal information has been disclosed to any third parties.

9.3 – AdvantAge Ontario will make every effort to respond to requests for access to personal information within 30 days.

10.   Challenging Compliance

10.1 – Any questions, requests or complaints with respect to this Privacy Policy or about our privacy practices may be directed to our Privacy Officer (see 9.1 above for contact information).

f.   Changes to Privacy Policy

AdvantAge Ontario regularly reviews our privacy practices for our various activities and update our Privacy Policy. We recommend that you check this policy periodically so that you are aware of any changes.

g.   Further Information

For more information on privacy and your rights in regard to your personal information, visit the Privacy Commissioner of Canada website at


Updated November 24, 2022.