Our History

Advancing Senior Care

In 1919, a small group of committed individuals, fueled by a desire to improve care for seniors, came together to form the Association of Managers of the Homes for Aged and Infirm. From those humble beginnings came the strong, vibrant association that AdvantAge Ontario is today. We are proud of our history, and together with our members we will continue to advance senior care.


Association of Managers of the Homes for Aged and Infirm is incorporated.


Association of Managers of the Homes for Aged and Infirm holds first meeting in Welland.


Association expands to include charitable institutions.


Homes for the Ages Act passed – Homes of Refuge becomes Homes for the Aged.


Homes for the Aged Act revised; Forced labour of residents outlawed, medical services provided.


Increase in the number of “charitable” homes – many with an ethnic, cultural and religious affiliation join the Association.


Association changes its name to “The Ontario Association of Managers and Matrons of Homes for the Aged”.


Association changes its name to “Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged”.


Association’s members pioneer the development of many unique programs – including group and satellite homes, tie-ins with independent and semi-independent living units, adult daycare, community support services such as home help, Meals-on-Wheels and transportation services.


Association moves to advocate improved legislation to benefit the aged.


Association initiates innovative management tools for homes for the aged.


Association expands to include non-profit nursing homes, hostels, apartments, hospitals providing long term care and home support services for the elderly.


  • Members vote for new name “Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors”, to reflect changing mandate and non-profit status.
  • Norma Rudy publishes “For Such a Time as This,” the only comprehensive history of not-for-profit senior care in Ontario.


Membership approves the Strategic Plan for the Association.


New General Operating By-law approved, replacing Constitution.


Regional boundaries restructured.


Province proclaims Bill 101 bringing about fundamental changes to homes for the aged.


Focus on long term care reform, particularly advocating for adequate facility funding.


Commenced Governance Review, looking at Board, Regions and Committee structure, along with governance process. Initiated work to create resource development supports to help members with their capital and operational needs.


Two advocacy initiatives pursued. The first resulted in an increase in funding for facilities by $100 million in July 1997. The second was a major lobby effort mounted with other partners to secure a commitment to expand all long term care services, including supportive housing, by $2.5 billion over an eight-year period. This announcement included support for renovation of existing and construction of new homes.


New Policy Governance Structure in effect.


  • Secured $100 million in new operating dollars for facilities.
  • Raised political and public visibility of not-for-profit care and services for seniors; developed consumer outreach program including public-sector campaign and enhanced consumer web presence.


  • Government’s 2004 investment to long term care homes included a significant equalization component in the distribution of funding.
  • Thanks to our advocacy, homes received significant base increases that continue today.


Local Health Integration Network (LHINs) legislation enacted creating 14 non-profit organizations designed to plan, coordinate and fund the delivery of health care services across the province.


Bill 140, the proposed Long-Term Care Homes Act is introduced; The Act amalgamates three existing pieces of legislation.


Long-Term Care Homes Act receives Royal Assent.


  • Initial Long-Term Care Homes Act Draft Regulations issued.
  • Compliance Transformation announced.
  • OANHSS Benchmarking Survey launched.


  • Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 comes into force.
  • Implementation of OANHSS LTCHA and Regulation Member Support Project.
  • Retirement Homes Act receives Royal Assent.


  • Release of Phase 2 OANHSS LTCHA Member Support Project.
  • OANHSS call for capacity planning in Federal and Provincial election messaging.
  • Roll out of Behavioural Supports Ontario.
  • Attention on prevention of elder abuse: Establishment of LTC Task Force on Resident Care and Safety; roll out of Ministry Education on Reporting of Abuse and Neglect.
  • New reports and initiative shaping Seniors Care and Services: Walker Report; Drummond Report; MOHLTC Seniors Strategy.
  • Retirement Homes Act provisions establishing Retirement Home Regulatory Authority in effect.


  • Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care released.
  • Report of the Long-Term Care Task Force on Resident Care and Safety released.
  • Retirement Homes Act provisions allowing licensing in effect.
  • OANHSS Life Lease Guide for Consumers.
  • Provincial budget includes OANHSS recommendations for increase in preferred accommodation rates and convalescent care per diem, and flexibility between NPC and PSS envelopes.


Living Longer, Living Well Report by Dr. Samir Sinha released.


Provincial budget commits to end property tax for all not-for-profit LTC homes. This put all NFPs on equal footing.


  • In Carter v Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada declares as void the prohibitions in the Criminal Code related to physician-assisted death. For the purpose of implementing the Carter Decision, the Federal government introduced Bill > C-14, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code of Canada and to make Amendments to Other Acts.
  • Patients First: A Proposal to Strengthen Patient-Centred Health Care in Ontario, released by MOHLTC. Of note, the Ministry proposes to expand the role of LHINs including moving all CCAC functions into the LHINs.


  • Implementation of Bill 160.
  • Aging with Confidence: Ontario’s Action Plan for Seniors.
  • Proposed Regulations relating to Inclusionary Zoning.
  • Association formally launches new name “AdvantAge Ontario – Advancing Senior Care” at Annual Convention.
  • The provincial budget promised key investments for the sector and hit the mark on long standing Association priorities: 4 hours of care; new beds; and, increased food funding.


  • Government announces 6,000 new beds as part of 15,000 over next five years.
  • AdvantAge Ontario receives standing in the Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry.


AdvantAge Ontario celebrates 100 years of advocating for not-for-profit senior care.


  • Association mobilizes to provide a massive range of pandemic-related supports for members in response to COVID-19.
  • In 2020 budget, the Ontario government commits to increasing hours of direct care for each LTC resident to an average of four hours per day.
  • Association participates on MOLTC consultations to modernize LTC development; MOLTC then releases new LTC Home Capital Development Funding Policy.
  • Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission examines how COVID spread in LTC in wave one. Association presents to Commission on behalf of members.


  • Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, comes into force, replacing the previous LTCHA, 2007.
  • Federal gov’t announces $4.8M over four years to implement Canada’s national dementia strategy.
  • Association launches The Difference Matters, a PR campaign to highlight not-for-profit care.