Ontario Budget 2024 Statement from CEO Lisa Levin

March 26, 2024

Categories: Statements

Lisa Levin headshot

Statement by Lisa Levin, CEO of AdvantAge Ontario, which represents more than 500 providers of long-term care, seniors’ housing, supportive housing and community service agencies:

“Today’s budget includes important investments aimed directly at the priority needs of long-term care homes, including staffing, resident care and getting more homes built and redeveloped to serve our aging population.

Long-term care is facing significant financial pressures. We are very pleased that government has recognized those needs and responded to them in this budget. This is good news for Ontario seniors.”

AdvantAge Ontario

For more than 100 years, AdvantAge Ontario has been the voice of not-for-profit seniors’ care in Ontario. We represent more than 500 providers of long-term care, seniors’ housing, supportive housing and community service agencies, including 98 per cent of all municipal long-term care homes and 83 per cent of all not-for-profit long-term care homes.

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Chris Noone
Manager, Communications and Member Services