Statement on Ontario Ombudsman Report on LTC

September 7, 2023

Categories: Statements

Woman holding a flower for a senior woman, both smiling

Lisa Levin, CEO of AdvantAge Ontario, released the following statement on the new Health Care Funding Plan

“Today’s report by Ontario’s Ombudsman does not tell the whole story. Ontario’s not-for-profit long-term care homes are run by committed, caring people. They encountered a devastating staffing crisis at the outset of the pandemic.

While inspections play a critical role in facilitating government oversight, more inspections and penalties would not have averted the issues during the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Rather, not-for-profit homes needed support with more staffing and quicker access to PPE. Our staffing crisis has not ended. That’s why AdvantAge Ontario continues to call on government to create a system-wide human resources plan.”

About AdvantAge Ontario

For more than 100 years, AdvantAge Ontario has been the voice of not-for-profit seniors’ care in Ontario. We represent more than 480 providers of long-term care, seniors’ housing, supportive housing and community service agencies, including 98 per cent of all municipal long-term care homes and 83 per cent of all not-for-profit long-term care homes. 

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Chris Noone 
Manager, Communications and Member Services 
W: 905.851.8821  x 253